Hello, my name is Angela Ucci and I spent most of my twenties forming sexual trauma bonds with unavailable men, addicted to weed and entrenched in the occult convinced I was a “self-healer.” For a decade, no matter what I did - losing 120 lbs, practicing yoga and reiki, reading self-help books, following self-care routines, manifestation, chakra-cleansing, meditation, astrology, tarot - I was still depressed, hopeless and seeking. Until I gave my life to Jesus. .
Heaven & Healing Podcast is a podcast and ministry I have created by the grace of God to expose demonic deception of New Age spirituality, share coming-to-Christ testimonies, engage in cultural discourse with a biblical framework in context to secularism, politics and current events, educate on Christian apologetics, and assert the very real supernatural healing & gifts imparted from Holy Spirit. My prayer is to plant seeds of faith that God may use in softening hearts to accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior and receive deliverance in His name